Rachel was born and raised in Jerusalem.
For a long time, she was devoted to the education of children with special needs, in teaching, training teachers and managing a school. Rachel holds an M.A. degree in special education from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
From a young age, she has been involved in art. Painting in a variety of techniques and mainly sculpting in clay, and casting bronze, aluminum and polymer sculptures.
In recent years, she has combined her love of both fields of art; painting and sculpting, by focusing on creating visual compositions in a way of painting on sculptures that she herself creates. The sculptures are colorful and full of joy of life, movement and imagination.
Many years she sculpted and painted women and portraits of women, when the subject of self-image, exploitation and suffering of women occupied her and was the focus of the work while emphasizing facial expressions and body posture. The issue of marital relations has also taken an important place in her work.
In early work, her sculptures were mainly naïve. With time passing her work became realistic and figurative. Her abstract work is characterized in vivid colors and it radiates beauty, light, dynamism and harmony and reflect her feelings and the balance she has reached in her adult life.
As an example of the search for harmonious and colorful connections, she recently created a series of ball sculptures. Balls that form a chain. While the sphere is a perfect geometric shape, the spheres that Rachel creates on wheels have no perfection in them and each sphere in itself, despite its color, is trivial. By placing the balls and connecting them, Rachel examines the relations in space. Only when the balls are threaded and bonded together, the harmonious feeling is created and the perfection that does not exist in the individual balls becomes evident. The diversity of the individual spheres, in terms of the rhythms and colors and the diversity of the circles and shapes, connects into a whole and creates a composition and synergy in terms of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.
Rachel has exhibited in many exhibitions in Israel, in Russia and in an international exhibition of naive art in Poland.